Dental Surgery
Pet tooth fractures and dental disease care.
All dental procedures are completed by a veterinarian and a veterinary technician, both who have received required additional training at the Animal Dental Training Center in Baltimore, MD. While the veterinarian assesses your pets dental condition, cleans and polishes the teeth, and treats the dental/oral disease, your pet will be constantly monitored by a trained technician using advanced monitoring equipment. Veterinary dentistry at the Oxford Veterinary Hospital requires the immediate presence and constant attention of both doctor and technician to safely administer anesthesia and provide thorough veterinary administered superior dental care. A true team effort from induction of anesthesia to the anesthetic recovery. Click here for our entire Dental Process
Pets that fracture their teeth or end up developing dental disease will likely require dental surgery at some point in their life. Our experienced veterinarians are well versed in a number of dental surgeries and can help your pet remain happy, healthy, and free from dental pain.
Some of the dental surgeries we offer at our hospital include:
- Tooth extractions
- Root canals
- Oral biopsies
- Jaw fracture repairs
- Maxillofacial trauma repairs
- Orthodontal and periodontal surgery
- Guided tissue regeneration
In addition to dental surgery, we also offer thorough oral exams, dental cleanings, digital x-rays, and oral cancer diagnosis and treatment. Before we can schedule a procedure, we require digital x-rays from all pets undergoing surgery at Oxford Veterinary Hospital.
To learn more about our surgical offerings or to schedule your pet’s consultation, call us at (610) 932-8757 or request an appointment online.